Meet Gianna

your online subconscious reprograming coach

Gianna helps high-achieving individuals eliminate unconscious mindset blocks & step into their next level of success via subconscious reprogramming & high-performance coaching.

3 Subconscious Hacks for High-Performance Mindset

and to help you intentionally create your reality every single day!

Can you just imagine what your life would look like if you could get out of your own way right now?

Picture an image of yourself completely FREE of what’s blocking your next level of success, abundance, and happiness…

Visualize what your life could look like…

This is a vision of what’s possible for you right now!

Are you ready to….

To put a stop to your unconscious self-sabotaging patterns

To align with your highest potential of success & abundance

And to feel the best you’ve ever felt in your life from the inside out!

Why Gianna?

I know what it’s like to have mindset blocks & unhealed trauma keeping you stuck and holding you back in life and business…

I know what it’s like to struggle with anxious thoughts of self-doubt, perfectionism, and a fear of failure that is so deeply wired inside your unconscious mind that nothing you do ever helps you long-enough…

It feels like an endless cycle you can’t get out of, I’ve been there. I was a stuck & struggling entrepreneur… 

But then I started working with my subconscious mind and everything changed for me! 

join other individuals just like you

who have already learned the power of the subconscious mind.

“In my first session I figured out the money blocks that had been blocking my next level in business”

-Anette, Entrepreneur

“Before my session I had so much anger in my belly and now feel alignment and relaxation”

-Stefan, Entrepreneur

“I have gone from comfortably selling a $2K program to selling a $9K program, which was a massive step for me”

-Leesha, Entrepreneur

What Makes Gianna’s Approach Unique?

Making change or working on a goal without working with your subconscious mind will likely take you 10x longer or be a big waste of time!

Why? Real change starts in the subconscious level of your mind (not on the conscious level, which is where most people try to make change). 

All of your habits, patterns, beliefs, traumas, and automatic bodily functions are stored inside your subconscious mind. Which means, to change them, you can’t do it on a conscious level, it has to be done on a subconscious level.

My work empowers you to make deep and lasting change by helping you access & rewire your subconscious mind.

Work With Gianna

Now Live!

Rewired: Subconscious Visualization & Hypnosis App

Daily meditations, subconscious visualization, and hypnosis recordings to help you set yourself FREE of unconscious mindset blocks and align with your inner power every-single-day! 

The Self-Mastery Series

Self-paced self-mastery program to help conscious entrepreneurs & high-achievers dissolve subconscious blocks and master the 3 key areas of self…your mind, emotions, and energy.  

1:1 subconscious coaching & hypnotherapy sessions

Customized 1:1 subconscious coaching to help you eliminate unconscious mindset blocks & heal the subconscious trauma keeping you stuck so you can unlock your next level of success, abundance, and deep fulfillment in life & business.

Join us by downloading The Rewired App.

Inside this app you’ll find 30+ subconscious visualizations & hypnotherapy meditations to help you relax, focus deeply, and take charge your mind so you can tap into the energy that will help you manifest a life beyond your wildest dreams!

Ready to unlock your full potential & manifest your dream life? Let’s do this…

Click the link below & get ready to transform! I’m so excited for you…


latest articles

Gianna’s Blog

Getting Into Your Flow State

As a busy go getter you want to get as much done as possible every day... You want to be successful and because you are success minded,  you may have heard the term FLOW STATE and wondered if flow state productivity is real... It is 100% REAL...  But you can’t get...

Anxiety: How to Take Your Power Back

Most of the time when you find yourself feeling anxious, you're likely anxious or stressed about situations that haven’t even happened yet… In fact most of the time you probably experience anxiety about situations that will likely NEVER even happen at all. You fear...

The Truth About Fear + Anxiety

“Which of your fears have come true?” Recently my husband, Jon, asked me this from a "book of questions" we read from together and this question had me totally shook. I thought about this question long and hard and then realized… Nothing I’ve ever spent time feeling...

Manifesting + Your Subconscious Mind

Let's just get this out of the way: the first step of creating the life of your dreams with manifestation is being super CLEAR about want. If you know what you want, you can rest assured that The Universe is currently conspiring in your favor right now to make that...


Energy is everywhere... If you’re an Empath (someone who is sensitive to energy) this can feel like a blessing or curse. If you’re not sure if you’re an Empath you should def figure it out because if you are… You require a whole different level of self-care to...